Be Notified Of Our NextEnvironmental Remediation WebinarJoin Our NewsletterWebinarsAuthorEricIngridAmandaBillShowing blank Out Of blank Items.Reset AllCool-Ox® Q&AIngrid Patman, Remediation Chemist at DeepEarth Technologies, Inc., will answer questions about Cool-Ox® technology and services.SpeakersIngridInfo33 minsWatch WebinarIn-Situ Design: Soil vs GWEric Lundy, Environmental Remediation Specialist, at DeepEarth Technologies, Inc., will describe In-Situ Remedial Design of Soil vs. Groundwater.SpeakersEricInfo40 minsWatch WebinarCool-Ox® Destruction of 1,4-DioxaneIngrid Patman, Remediation Chemist at DeepEarth Technologies, Inc., will describe the mechanism of the Cool-Ox® technology that destroys 1,4-Dioxane.SpeakersIngridInfoJan 26, 202234 minutesWatch WebinarCool-Ox® Destruction of L-DNAPLIngrid Patman, Remediation Chemist at DeepEarth Technologies, Inc., will explain how the Cool-Ox® technology destroys LNAPL and DNAPL.SpeakersIngridInfoJan 19, 202251 minutesWatch WebinarCool-Ox® Destruction of TCE TrichloroethyleneIngrid Patman, Remediation Chemist at DeepEarth Technologies, Inc., will explain how the Cool-Ox® technology destroys TCE.SpeakersIngridInfoDec 8, 202138 minutesWatch WebinarThank you! Your submission has been received!Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.