What To Expect When Working With Us
When You Work With Us, You Get The Benefit of 20-Years of Experience and Expertise
Hire DeepEarthMinimal Impact on Client Operations
The impact of remedial remedies on the client’s commercial/retail activities is critical and must be taken into account when selecting a process that meets not only speaks to the technical criteria, but to the clients economic needs as well.
It has been determined, through numerous field applications, that the Cool-Ox® process will have a minimal impact upon the day-to-day operation of a business because:
The Technology does not require the installation of a system to deliver the oxidation reagents or the installation of other systems.
This feature eliminates the extremely disruptive practice of trenching associated with the placement of conventional pump and treat, dual phase extraction, soil/vapor extraction or oxidation systems using ozone. Moreover, business is not disrupted by operation or maintenance of the system after installation and there is no on-going noise generated by pumps or electric motors. Venting of vapors to the atmosphere and disposal of waste generated by the above mentioned systems is obviated.

When the injection is complete, the soil port is sealed with Bentonite® and the paving sealed with appropriate paving material.

Unlike permanent wells, this versatile application method allows injection points to be placed where they will be most effective if subsequent injection events are necessary. The injection method is fast, efficient and once the work is completed, the points are quite unobtrusive.
Work can be conducted at night or during normally “slow” business hours
DTI’s Deep Shot Rigs are all equipped with hydraulically driven explosion proof electric generators so that electric power is immediately available for unexpected repairs or to power flood lights for night work.

The Technology can be installed to accommodate the traffic flow of the business.
DTI completes the majority of its site work in harmony with the traffic flow of the business. For instance, if work is conducted in or near pump islands, a section on one side of the pumps is isolated and the injection work completed while fuel is being dispensed on the other side of the pumps (if work is conducted at a gas station). When the injection work is completed, the area is sealed, washed down and the operations reversed. In this manner, the operations of the business are not interrupted.

The Technology does not create heat.
It is important to note, that conducting this work so close to volatile fueling operations is possible because the Cool-Ox® process is a cold oxidation technology and provides no ignition sources.

The Technology does not require breaking of pavement or removal of reconstruction of fueling equipment.

This point could be discussed under system considerations however, because site reconstruction after system installation is extremely costly to the property owner, it should be addressed as an economic consideration as well as an inconvenience. In summary, of the proactive remedial technologies available, the Cool-Ox® process is the least disruptive and thus, the most cost effective remedy available to the property owner from the standpoint of disruption of business operations